Sunday, May 10, 2009

tipAh ooO tiPah

tipah seorng gadis kampung yg sweet giler bercinta ngan mamat omputih nih.. tp tipah merasakn dirinya telah di tipu oleh omputih nih yg kini berada di neraganya,london..lalu tipah ingin menulis sepucuk surat perpisahan untuk kekasihnya di london..surat nya berbunyik…..

"hi,my motive write dis letter to give u know somethink.i want to cut connection us.i saw u play wood tri in front my i break connection to pull my body from dis love.i have think about this very cook-cook and i know i clap one hand only.i dont trust u again.u are really crocodile land.i dont want u to play-play with my life.i have been crying until no more eyes water.i dont want banana fruit two walk!!"

boyfren tipah terus terpingga2 n terganga2 setelah baca surat tipah.lalu pengsan dua hari..

p/s : jika kekasih anda yg menulis surat sedemikian rupa,apa akan jadi kepada anda agaknya..?????

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